Wednesday, October 13, 2010


ITS A GUD ARTICLE...Why are men such pigs?


Because the women that they are with LET them be!!!!

Society holds women to different standards than men are held to. It's a serious problem really. Women are sexually objectified, while the majority of men are less than attractive(by the physical standards women are held to) and don't maintain the same hygienic standards that women are expected to uphold.

Women are really the ones who hold the power to making men pigs or not. Women have the capacity to uphold integrity and know the difference between being "sexy" or "sexual". While sex is a natural act, women too often use sexuality as a form of power, rather than to withhold it and use it in it's time and place.

As far as I'm concerned, being female, I won't date a guy who sexualizes women, watches movies that have gratuitous breast shots and I make it clear before I start dating men. My way or the highway...because I enjoy my life and I have morals and values, and I'm not about to let a man disrespect me or womankind. I'm worth it, as far as I'm concerned, and that's how I will live my life and raise my children!

This opinion is common among women. Women, that is, who can't get a man to play along with their fantasies of themselves. When a woman can't manipulate a man, she CANNOT admit it may be her problem, not his. So she calls him a liar, a creep and a pig. Women are always trying to manipulate men into playing their games, instead of relating to one another as adults. Most women can't hear "gosh, you're pretty" too often, but how many tell a man his is handsome, that his clothes are nice or that his cologne is perfect? Women seem to think the man should be willing to debase himself and crawl after her on the off chance she may be interested in him that minute. Then when a man tires of her games and see through her attempts at manipulation, she must blame him in some way. Hence the generalization: all men are pigs. Women often say not they won't date a man who sexualizes women, all the while they reject men because of their height, or their social status, or (especially) their income. How about it women? When will you stop judging a man by these externals/


If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you in between F and CK."

"You're hot, I'm ugly. Let’s make average babies."

You need something to shut that big mouth of yours."

I lost my virginity! Can I have yours?"

Nice legs; what time do they open?"

The word of the day is legs. Let's go to your house and spread the word."

My shirt would look great on your bedroom floor."

I'm going to have sex with you tonight; you might as well be there to enjoy it."

You have a better body than my dead great-grandmother!"

You have 206 bones in your body. Want one more?"

I inserted the quarter, when does the fun start?"

Last night, I practiced on your sister."

Well... it's not going to suck itself."

I've already had sex with you five times, while you were sleeping. Want to make it six?"

Are you free tonight or will it cost me?"

Cold out isn't it? (Staring at breasts)"

Wanna have sex?"

"Did you know a teaspoon of sperm only contains 2 calories?"

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Does this make me look fat?

What you are thinking...

Hmmm... let me jog around you a few times to take a look. See you in 20.

No, but just in case we should ask a salesperson about the tensile strength of that fabric.

Hey! That dress actually does make you look thin! Buy that!

No, no, no, turn around. There. Now you look fat.

Well, no. Not all of you. Only certain parts of you.

What you can actually say...

No, of course not.

You look beautiful.

It looks beautiful.

I love you just the way you are.

Let's have sex tonight.

Do you love me for my brains or my body?

What you are thinking...

Mmmmm. Boobs.

Shit now I'm totally fucked.

Is there any possible answer I can give that won't result in me getting a knee in the groin?

Body wins by default, can't choose what isn't there, right?

What you can actually say... 

You're the perfect combination of both.


I love you. (Make sure to emphasise the "you".)

If you could sleep with one of my friends, which one would it be?

What you are thinking...

I was only supposed to sleep with one?

That's a tough one. Rebecca has the sweetest little arse, but Tori has an amazing rack and a great attitude.

Dunno. Which of 'em would sleep with me?

OMFG! Threesome!

What you can actually say... 

You're the only woman I need

I love you. Anyway, all your friends are ugly. (Don't insult her friends.)

Will you love me when I'm old, fat and ugly? 

What you are thinking...

You already are.

I already do.

What? Eww! Ewwww- No! No I damn will not love you if you are fat and gross. I'll probably fake my own death and live the rest of my life in a different country.

What you can actually say...

Of course I will. (She'll think of you as a liar.)

Oh honey, that's such a long way off. Let's not talk about such depressing things. (She'll think of you as a romantic liar, which is only a little better.)

This is the ultimate question that no man can escape.

What should I wear tonight?

What you are thinking...

The other-side of this condom?

Something slutty.

A towel?

Actually, how about nothing?



What you can actually say...

Anything you want, you look good in anything/everything and nothing.

Uh....what should I wear tonight? Huh? Yeah... How do you like that? (She actually would love to dress you)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Excellent article

India Strips To Western Culture!

India, the land of admired spirituality and upscale knowledge, had ever safeguarded it's eminence, reputation and individuality, being united an unique irrespective of the encircling varieties. The nation has been depicted before the international community as the 'dove of peace.' However, today India is no more known for it's worth praising contributions on the realms of knowledge and scientific excellence or spiritual revolutions. But, is known as a mere supplier of cheap workforce and as a tolerant nation to any sort of bull-work, but for few bucks.

Buzz up!
In older times, undoubtedly, India had the 'Indian-ness' everywhere in the nation. Recently I had a late night-walk across the famous 'Brigade Road' in Bangalore and for a while I was in a delusion as if I had landed up at a busy street in Europe, but I couldn't call it Europe too... somewhere midway between India and Europe.

Dear Indians, who told you that denuding Indian women will bring western culture to India?

Girls aged seventeen or eighteen were walking lazily, hand in hand with guys who looked bummed out. To delineate the dressing style, oh! I should not call it dress, because few inches of garment cannot help the purpose of dress or clothing. There half opened eyes conveyed me the amount of alcohol they had consumed, in clear terms. And I am sure, if I would have asked any one of them 'why do you be like this?, their burning eyes could have asked me in return, are you from stone age?

We, the Indian youth have learned to speak better English, we learned to select cloths on brand names and also have tamed our taste buds to American Pizza or Chinese Burger, but pathetically failed to understand what differentiate India an Europe. Every Indian is crazy about western lifestyle, western food, western dressings and western culture. But while mimicking the 'westernity', we never try to understand the upper class values they maintain or the civilised ways they follow.

Dear Indians, who told you that denuding Indian women will bring western culture to India? How have you mis-conceptualized that being arrogant and intolerant will help you to mimic foreign civilisation? What made you thinking that few vulgar words and 'slangs' are the essence of English language?

European culture and lifestyle is far beyond all these, and it is true to say that they are 350 yeas ahead to India with regards to every aspect. But with no inspirations and ambitions, but with petty mimicking skills, India reached behind 350 years, instead heading ahead. The most painful fact is that we are blind enough to see the realities and are still in search of shorter and shorter cloths and uncivilized slangs!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

If you do not know who is Balakrishna... ....

1. Balakrishna makes onions cry
2. Balakrishna can delete the Recycle Bin.
3. Ghosts are actually caused by Balakrishna killing people faster than Death can process them.
4. Balakrishna can build a snowman..... out of rain.
5. Balakrishna can strangle you with a cordless phone.
6. Balakrishna can drown a fish.
7. When Balakrishna enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on,............. he turns the dark off.
8. When Balakrishna looks in a mirror the mirror shatters, because not even glass is stupid enough to get in between Balakrishna and Balakrishna.
9. Brett Favre can throw a football over 50 yards. Balakrishna can throw Brett Favre even further.
10. The last digit of pi is Balakrishna. He is the end of all things.
11. Balakrishna does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die.
12. Bullets dodge Balakrishna.
13. A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot
belongs to Balakrishna and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
14. Balakrishna' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Balakrishna.
15. If you spell Balakrishna wrong on Google it doesn't say, "Did you mean Balakrishna? " It simply replies, "Run while you still have the chance."
16. Balakrishna can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
17. Once a cobra bit Balakrishna' leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
18. When Balakrishna gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
19. Balakrishna can kill two stones with one bird.
20. Balakrishna was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
21. Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Balakrishna can kill 100 percent of whatever he wants.
22. There is no such thing as global warming. Balakrishna was cold, so he turned the sun up.
23. Balakrishna can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.
24. Balakrishna has a deep and abiding respect for human life? unless it gets in his way.
25. Balakrishna once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!"
26. In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Balakrishna could use to kill you, including the room itself.
27. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Balakrishna.
28. Balakrishna destroyed the periodic table, because Balakrishna only recognizes the element of surprise.
29. Balakrishna got his drivers license at the age of 16 Seconds.
30. With the rising cost of gasoline, Balakrishna is beginning to worry about his drinking habit.
31. The square root of Balakrishna is pain. Do not try to square Balakrishna, the result is death.
32. When you say "no one's perfect", Balakrishna takes this as a personal insult.
33. Outer space exists because its afraid to be on the same planet with Balakrishna
34. Balakrishna has counted to infinity - twice
35. When Balakrishna does a pushup, he isnt lifting himself up, he's pushing earth down
36. Balakrishna is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
37. Balakrishna doesnt wear a watch. HE decides what time it is.
38. Balakrishna gave MonaLisa that smile
39. Balakrishna can slam a revolving door
40. Balakrishna's house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
41. Balakrishna grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
42. If you google search "Balakrishna getting kicked"your search will generate 0 results. It just doesn't happen.
43. It takes Balakrishna 20 mins to watch 60 minutes
44. The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Balakrishna kicked one of the corners off.
45. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Balakrishna lives in Hyderabad
46. Balakrishna once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink
47. The only thing that runs faster and longer than Balakrishna are his films.
48. Balakrishna every step creates a mini whirlwind. Hurricane Katrina was the result of a morning jog.
49. Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is Balakrishna there is no other way.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does Sleep Make You Grow Taller ??

Are you wondering how does sleep make you grow taller? Sleeping early will benefit you in a lot of ways with regards to growing taller. Additionally, knowing the best sleeping position to grow taller also adds a few more centimeters to your height.
How Does Sleep Help You Grow Taller In Height?
Aside from getting the proper nutrition and keeping a workout routine to give your body some helpful activities to boost the release of your growth hormones, getting an uninterrupted 8 hours of time to sleep also helps you grow taller.
It is at this critical time that your pituitary gland produces the maximum growth hormones for release to your system. In fact if you are still in your growth years, you can even do away with growth supplements as long as you make sure that you get enough time to sleep and help your glands do their job well.
The Best Sleeping Position To Grow Taller

You don't know it yet but sleeping flat on your back or sleeping without a pillow helps increase your height. This simple strategy makes it easier for gravity to decompress and align your spinal column properly to give you better posture and make you stand taller. If you find it difficult to sleep without a pillow, try using a smaller one for the mean time until you adjust.
Sleeping on a firm mattress also helps flatten your back but be sure that your bed is still comfortable enough for you to sleep.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hair Care

Flaky and Itchy Scalp Cure

How often do you notice snow flake like matter settled on your shoulder and scalp that becomes evident every time you scratch your scalp? This is a condition experienced by a lot of people and is due to the skin cells that are lost. The reasons for a dry and flaky scalp are many and this generally itches a lot. These conditions, however, are more associated with the lifestyle that a person is leading, lack of nutrition, extensive use of chemicals on the hair, scalp deprived of the moisture and so on. Sometimes, extreme weather conditions could also be the cause for formation of flakes. Intensive use of hair products is the major cause for a flaky scalp because most of these products contain a considerably large amount of chemicals to give an artificial shine to hair.

Proper treatment and hair care is of utmost importance if you want to get rid of this condition.

Apple cider vinegar is a great way to get rid of a flaky and itchy scalp. Mix the vinegar with warm water in the ratio 2:1 where apple cider vinegar is two parts and water is 1 part. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and then pour this mixture on your hair and massage it into your scalp and allow it to dry. You need not rinse it after it has dried and can add essential oils like lavender or rosemary for better results.

Coconut oil is another great way of treating a flaky scalp and has been followed for years by many. Heat some coconut oil until warm and massage this onto your scalp and hair, tie your hair up, let it stay overnight and wash off with a mild shampoo the next day. Do not pour hot water over the head as too much heat makes the scalp dry due to which it loses its moisture.

 Massage your hair on a regular basis as this enhances the flow of blood to the scalp and also helps to loosen the dead cells on the scalp which can be got rid off easily by washing it. Wash your hair with a shampoo and then use a conditioner in winter to avoid a dry scalp. At the same time, ensure that you do not use a lot of shampoo as that can also cause a problem. However, if the itching and flakes are causing a lot of discomfort and the symptoms are too severe it is best you visit a dermatologist.

Supplements for Hair Loss

If you are suffering from hair loss, there would perhaps be no need for you to take any supplements that would help you out. What you can do is make a start by changing your hair care habits and improving your diet to begin with. This may very well end up being the only thing you need to do at all. A lot of people neglect their hair on a daily basis, which is what ends up resulting in a large amount of hair fall to start with. You need to ensure that your hair is well fed and kept clean every day just like the rest of your body. Start with cutting your hair short. This will not only improve your looks, it will also make your hair easier to manage. Short hair is easier to comb and it dries faster, thereby eliminating the need for using hair dryers and such things, which usually only add to your hair fall. Then, you can start washing your hair with a natural and organic shampoo which is specifically suited to your hair type. This will be helpful in keeping your hair well managed as well as nourished according to its needs. Apply hair oil to your hair twice a week. Use olive and coconut oil in equal quantities. All you need to do is warm it and massage your scalp generously with it. Leave this overnight and wash it the next morning. The difference will be instant.

Diet for Hair Loss

You should also improve your diet by adding all sources of vitamin A to it. This is particularly useful for improved hair as well as nail growth.

In particular, focus on carrots, which contain keratin, the substance that your hair is pretty much made up of. You should also add all other yellow colored fruits and vegetables to your diet, as all of them are rich in this nutrient. Almonds are also particularly good for hair. Try and soak about six overnight and chew on them in the morning.

 You can also soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water every night and drink this water in the morning. This will also improve the general health of your hair. Keep in mind that this may not be particularly palatable or tasty. Following most of the methods listed here will make a difference to your hair in about a month or more. Be patient and do not stop half way through.

Vitamin and Hair Loss

If you are suffering from hair loss, you would need to start off with improving your diet. Keep in mind that a well balanced, whole and square meal will not only work wonders towards improving your hair, it will also improve your general health. Add all nutrients to your meals. But first, examine whether you are eating the amount you should be. You would need to eat at least five small meals a day – make sure you are doing that to begin with. Each of your meals should be small and should contain a mixture of all nutrients. There should be carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. Even if you are generally health conscious and lean eater, you must have everything in every meal. You can always control your quantities. In order to have good hair and nails, you should also add a lot of food rich in vitamin A to your meals. Try and include this nutrient in each meal and you should be able to quickly get rid of the problem of hair fall.

The commonest sources of vitamin A are carrots, papaya, broccoli, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, collard greens, pumpkin, cantaloupe, mango, peas, liver and most innards of all types of meat and eggs. If possible, keep this list handy so that you are always aware of what you need to add and you can add a variety to each meal rather than getting tedious.

Calcium and Hair Loss

You can also add larger quantities of calcium to your diet in order to improve your general health. However, keep in mind that calcium is more important for proper bone and teeth health. It will not really help too much with hair growth or development, although there is certainly no harm in including it in your diet. The best sources of calcium would be found in all milk products as well as soy products. This is a lesser known and mostly ignored fact. You would do well to keep it in mind. Eating soya beans and all soya products can also be helpful in improving your immunity. Among the other good sources of calcium would be spinach, beans of all types, and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit. One of the richest and best sources of calcium are all sorts of tree nuts. Walnuts, almonds, raisins, pecans, cashews and hazel nuts when eaten in a combination will fulfill your requirement for calcium on a daily basis.

Natural Home Remedies and Cures for Depression

Depression is one of the most common emotional disorders. It may be manifested in varying degrees: from feelings of slight sadness to utter misery and dejection. Depression is a very unpleasant malady and is far more difficult to cope with than a physical ailment. The growing complexities of modem life and its resultant crises, as well as the mental stress and strain of day-to-day life, usually leads to this disorder.

Depression Symptoms

The most striking symptoms of depression are an acute sense of loss, inexplicable sadness, loss of energy, lack of interest in the world around, and fatigue. A disturbed sleep is a frequent occurrence.

Other symptoms of depression are loss of appetite, giddiness, itching, nausea, agitation, irritability, impotence or frigidity, constipation, aches and pains all over the body, lack of concentration, and indecisiveness.

Cases of severe depression may be characterised by low body temperature, low blood pressure, hot flushes and shivering.

Causes of Depression

Prolonged periods of anxiety and tension can cause mental depression.
The excessive and indiscriminate use of drugs also leads to faulty assimilation of vitamins and minerals by the body and ultimately causes depression.

Home Remedies for Depression

Depression treatment using Apple

Apple is one of the most valuable remedies for mental depression. The various chemical substances present in this fruit such as vitamin B, phosphorus, and potassium help the synthesis of glutamic acid, which controls the wear and tear of nerve cells. The fruit should be taken with milk and honey. This remedy will act as a very effective nerve tonic and recharge the nerves with new energy and life.

Depression treatment using Cashewnut

The cashewnut is another valuable remedy for general depression and nervous weakness. It is rich in vitamins of the B group, especially thiamine, and is therefore useful in stimulating the appetite and the nervous system. It is also rich in riboflavin which keeps the body active, cheerful, and energetic.

Depression treatment using Cardamom

The use of cardamom has proved valuable in depression. Powdered seeds should be boiled in water and tea prepared in the usual way. A very pleasing aroma is added to the tea, which can be used as a medicine in the treatment of this condition.

Depression treatment using Rose

An infusion of rose petals should be prepared by mixing 15 gm of rose petals in 250 ml of boiling water. If drunk occasionally, instead of the usual tea and coffee, it is beneficial for treating this condition.

Diet for Depression

Exclude tea, coffee, alcohol, strong condiments

The diet of a person suffering from depression should completely exclude tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, colas, all white flour products, sugar, food colorings, chemical additives, white rice, and strong condiments.

Take three meals a day

The diet should be restricted to three meals. Fruits can be taken in the morning for breakfast with milk and a handful of nuts or seeds. Lunch may consist of steamed vegetables, wholewheat wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk. For dinner, green vegetable salad and all the available sprouts such as alfalfa seeds, green gram beans, cottage cheese, or a glass of buttermilk would be ideal.


Exercise also plays an important role in the treatment of depression. It not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit, but also provides recreation and mental relaxation. It is nature's best tranquilliser. Exercise also tones up the body, provides a feeling of accomplishment, and reduces the sense of helplessness.

Relaxation and Meditation

The patient must also learn the art of relaxation and meditation which will go a long way in curing depression. He must gain control over his nervous system and channelise his mental and emotional energies into restful activities. This can be achieved by ensuring sufficient rest and sleep under quiet conditions. Meditation will help create a balance in the nervous system. This will enable the hormonal glands to return to a correct state of hormonal balance and thereby overcome the feeling of depression.

My color is fair ,but I have very dark armpits as well as a dark private areas???

There are several reasons why your armpits and your genital area, have become so dark, in spite of you being fair.

If you sweat profusely,
if you generally wear polyester clothes,
if you use deodorants that don’t suit your skin,or
if you use razors or hair-removing lotions to remove hair from both these areas, then your condition can be linked to one of these causes. All or any one of these could be the reason for your skin turning dark.

The first thing that you need to do is start wearing cotton dresses, as well as cotton undergarments, to absorb the sweat. The uric acid that is released along with the sweat is what causes the skin to darken, if left unattended.

Shaving and using hair-removing lotion is also an absolute no-no for these areas. Shaving causes a lot of friction and hair-removing lotions contain strong chemicals to dissolve the hair. This inevitably affects the skin when used over a period of time. Also, use a non-acidic soap or a herbal soap for your daily bath. Even this small change will help.

There are a few remedies that you can try in order to reduce the darkness in these areas, but be forewarned, these remedies will take time to show any results. Both these areas are very sensitive, so the treatment administered to them has to be mild enough so as to not cause any kind of aggravation and discomfort. One of the best remedies for dark skin is to rub a piece of lemon on the affected area. But because these areas are sensitive, it would be advisable to mix lemon juice with other ingredients to benefit from the natural bleaching properties of lemon. You can mix lemon juice to turmeric and cucumber juice and apply this mixture to the affected areas. Leave it one for at least 15-20 minutes before washing it off with warm water. Alternately, you can mix lemon juice with yogurt and apply it regularly to both the areas.

Another mixture that helps considerably is two tablespoons of finely powdered dried orange peels mixed with one tablespoon of yogurt. You can also use a paste made out of sandalwood and rose water. One more concoction that you can apply is a mixture of honey, almond oil, lemon juice, and milk powder. Apart from removing the darkness, this mixture will also help to naturally moisturize these areas. Last, but not the least, as it is highly effective, apply aloe vera gel to the affected areas regularly.

Dark armpits natural remedies

The main cause for dark armpits and dark pubic area, especially when you are otherwise fair-skinned is use of a razor or hair-removing creams to get rid of unwanted hair in those regions. In order to reduce the discolouration, opt for waxing since that not only removes the hair from the roots removing the possibility of in-growth, but also exfoliates the dead skin. Discolouration could also happen due to irritation by the chemicals in deodorants. Use anti-fungal talcum powder instead of anti-perspirants and deodorants during summer. You could also use alum powder in your underarms or rub some baking soda after the shower to reduce the discolouration.

If the discolouration is intense, rub lemon slices on the affected areas since the natural bleaching agent in the lemon will help to lighten the areas. You can also apply a paste of 1 tsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric powder to the affected areas. Another alternate is a paste prepared with 1 tbsp of curd, 1 tsp of gram flour, pinch of turmeric and 1 tsp of milk. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off with cold water once it is dry. A paste of sandalwood powder and rose water works equally well. Finally rub Vitamin E oil and coconut oil on the affected regions to keep them moist and reduce the chances of further discolouration.

Sprinkle some sugar crystals on your dark arm pits and rub it with lemon juice, till the crystals of sugar melt. This will definitely help you lighten the darker skin tone of your arm pits.

Apply a paste of lemon juice and turmeric powder so as to lighten your dark arm pits
You can use lemon juice as a scrub in order to remove the dead skin of the arm pits. Also, lemon juice serves as an excellent bleaching agent with no serious repercussions. Hence, it helps you lighten the skin tone of your arm pits.

You may also use potato as a bleaching agent so as to lighten the dark skin in the arm pits. Place a few the slices of potato on the arm pits for approximately ten minutes and then wash it so as to attain the desired result.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

TajMahal Is a Shiva Temple???

The story of the Taj Mahal that most of us have known about may not be the real truth. Herein Mr. P. N. Oak presents an interesting set of proofs that show a completely different story. Contrary to what visitors are made to believe the Tajmahal is not a Islamic mausoleum but an ancient Shiva Temple known as Tejo Mahalaya which the 5th generation Moghul emperor Shahjahan took possession from the Maharaja of Jaipur. The Taj Mahal, should therefore, be viewed as a temple palace and not as a tomb. That makes a vast difference.

The details of its size, grandeur, majesty and beauty is not needed for a mere tomb. When told that you are visiting a temple palace you wont fail to notice its annexes, ruined defensive walls, hillocks, moats, cascades, fountains, majestic garden, hundreds of rooms archaded verendahs, terraces, multi stored towers, secret sealed chambers, guest rooms, stables, the trident (Trishul) pinnacle on the dome and the sacred, esoteric Hindu letter "OM" carved on the exterior of the wall of the can find all of the above in tajmahal.

For detailed proof of this breath taking discovery, you may read the well known historian Shri. P. N. Oak's celebrated book titled " Tajmahal : The True Story".

Here are some interesting facts contrary to the popular belief:-

The term Tajmahal itself never occurs in any mogul court paper or chronicle even in Aurangzeb's time. The attempt to explain it away as Taj-i-mahal is therefore, ridiculous.The ending "Mahal"is never muslim because in none of the muslim countries around the world from Afghanistan to Algeria is there a building known as "Mahal".

Moreover, if the Taj is believed to be a burial place, how can the term Mahal, i.e., mansion apply to it? Since the term Taj Mahal does not occur in mogul courts it is absurd to search for any mogul explanation for it. Both its components namely, 'Taj' and' Mahal' are of Sanskrit origin.The term Taj Mahal is a corrupt form of the sanskrit term TejoMahalay signifying a Shiva Temple. Agreshwar Mahadev i.e., The Lord of Agra was consecrated in it.

The tradition of removing the shoes before climbing the marble platform originates from pre Shahjahan times when the Taj was a Shiva Temple. Had the Taj originated as a tomb, shoes need not have to be removed because shoes are a necessity in a cemetery.The people who dominate the Agra region are Jats. Their name of Shiva is Tejaji. The Jat special issue of The Illustrated Weekly of India (June 28,1971) mentions that the Jats have the Teja Mandirs i.e., Teja Temples. This is because Teja-Linga is among the several names of the Shiva Lingas. From this it is apparent that the Taj-Mahal is Tejo-Mahalaya, The Great Abode of Tej.

Tavernier, a French jeweller has recorded in his travel memoirs that Shahjahan purposely buried Mumtaz near the Taz-i-Makan (i.e.,`The Taj building') where foriegners used to come as they do even today so that the world may admire. He also adds that the cost of the scaffolding was more than that of the entire work. The work that Shahjahan commissioned in the Tejomahalaya Shiva temple was plundering at the costly fixtures inside it, uprooting the Shiva idols, planting the centotaphs in their place on two stories, inscribing the koran along the arches and walling up six of the seven stories of the Taj. It was this plunder, desecrating and plunderring of the rooms which took 22 years.Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra recorded in 1632 (within only a year of Mumtaz's death) that `the places of note in and around Agra, included Taj-e-Mahal's tomb, gardens and bazaars'.He, therefore, confirms that that the Tajmahal had been a noteworthy building even before Shahjahan.

The Taj Mahal is scrawled over with 14 chapters of the Koran but nowhere is there even the slightest or the remotest allusion in that Islamic overwriting to Shahjahan's authorship of the Taj. Had Shahjahan been the builder he would have said so in so many words before beginning to quote Koran.A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan,since the doors of the Taj, broken open by Muslim invaders repeatedly from the 11th century onwards, had to b replaced from time to time. The Taj edifice is much more older. It belongs to 1155 A.D, i.e., almost 500 years anterior to Shahjahan.

The embossed patterns on the marble exterior of the centotaph chamber wall are foilage of the conch shell design and the Hindu letter "OM". The octagonally laid marble lattices inside the centotaph chamber depict pink lotuses on their top railing. The Lotus,the conch and the OM are the sacred motifs associated with the Hindu deities and temples.Above Mumtaz's centotaph hangs a chain by which now hangs a lamp. Before capture by Shahjahan the chain used to hold a water pitcher from which water used to drip on the Shivalinga.

Between the so-called mosque and the drum house is a multistoried octagonal well with a flight of stairs reaching down to the water level. This is a traditional treasury well in Hindu temple palaces. Treasure chests used to be kept in the lower apartments while treasury personnel had their offices in the upper chambers. The circular stairs made it difficult for intruders to reach down to the treasury or to escape with it undetected or unpursued. In case the premises had to be surrendered to a besieging enemy the treasure could be pushed into the well to remain hidden from the conquerer and remain safe for salvaging if the place was reconquered. Such an elaborate multistoried well is superflous for a mere mausoleum. Such a grand, gigantic well is unneccesary for a tomb.

Had Shahjahan really built the Taj Mahal as a wonder mausoleum, history would have recorded a specific date on which she was ceremoniously buried in the Taj Mahal. No such date is ever mentioned. This important missing detail decisively exposes the falsity of the Tajmahal legend.
Even the year of Mumtaz's death is unknown. It is variously speculated to be 1629, 1630, 1631 or 1632. Had she deserved a fabulous burial, as is claimed, the date of her death had not been a matter of much speculation. In an harem teeming with 5000 women it was difficult to keep track of dates of death. Apparently the date of Mumtaz's death was so insignificant an event, as not to merit any special notice. Who would then build a Taj for her burial?

Stories of Shahjahan's exclusive infatuation for Mumtaz's are concoctions. They have no basis in history nor has any book ever written on their fancied love affairs. Those stories have been invented as an afterthought to make Shahjahan's authorship of the Taj look plausible.Twenty thousand labourers are supposed to have worked for 22 years during Shahjahan's reign in building the Tajmahal. Had this been true, there should have been available in Shahjahan's court papers design drawings, heaps of labour muster rolls, daily expenditure sheets, bills and receipts of material ordered, and commisioning orders. There is not even a scrap of paper of this kind.

Description of the gardens around the Taj of Shahjahan's time mention Ketaki, Jai, Jui, Champa, Maulashree, Harshringar and Bel. All these are plants whose flowers or leaves are used in the worship of Hindu deities. Bel leaves are exclusively used in Lord Shiva's worship. A graveyard is planted only with shady trees because the idea of using fruit and flower from plants in a cemetary is abhorrent to human conscience. The presence of Bel and other flower plants in the Taj garden is proof of its having been a Shiva temple before seizure by Shahjahan.Hindu temples are often built on river banks and sea beaches. The Taj is one such built on the bank of the Yamuna river an ideal location for a Shiva temple.

Prophet Mohammad has ordained that the burial spot of a muslim should be inconspicous and must not be marked by even a single tombstone. In flagrant violation of this, the Tajamhal has one grave in the basement and another in the first floor chamber both ascribed to Mumtaz. Those two centotaphs were infact erected by Shahjahan to bury the two tier Shivalingas that were consecrated in the Taj. It is customary for Hindus to install two Shivalingas one over the other in two stories as may be seen in the Mahankaleshwar temple in Ujjain and the Somnath temple raised by Ahilyabai in Somnath Pattan.

The Tajmahal has a reverberating dome. Such a dome is an absurdity for a tomb which must ensure peace and silence. Contrarily reverberating domes are a neccesity in Hindu temples because they create an ecstatic and magnifying the sound of bells, drums and pipes accompanying the worship of Hindu deities.The Tajmahal dome bears a lotus cap. Original Islamic domes have a bald top as is exemplified by the Pakistan Embassy in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, and the domes in the Pakistan's newly built capital Islamabad.The Tajmahal entrance faces south. Had the Taj been an Islamic building it should have faced the west.

Babur himself refers to the Taj in his memoirs as the palace captured by Ibrahim Lodi containing a central octagonal chamber and having pillars on the four sides. All these historical references allude to the Taj 100 years before Shahjahan.Had the Taj been specially built to bury Mumtaz, it should not have been cluttered with other graves. But the Taj premises contain several graves atleast in its eastern and southern pavilions.

Shahjahan was married to several other women before and after Mumtaz. She, therefore, deserved no special consideration in having a wonder mausoleum built for her.A pertinent consideration is that a Shahjahan who did not build any palaces for Mumtaz while she was alive, would not build a fabulous mausoleum for a corpse which was no longer kicking or clicking.

While Shahjahan's special attachment to Mumtaz is nowhere recorded in history,his amorous affairs with many other ladies from maids to mannequins including his own daughter Jahanara, find special attention in accounts of Shahjahan's reign. Would Shahjahan shower his hard earned wealth on Mumtaz's corpse?

Fanciful accounts about Shahjahan commisioning the Taj are all confused. Some asserted that Shahjahan ordered building drawing from all over the world and chose one from among them. Others assert that a man at hand was ordered to design a mausoleum and his design was approved. Had any of those versions been true Shahjahan's court papers should have had thousands of drawings concerning the Taj. But there is not even a single drawing. This is yet another clinching proof that Shahjahan did not commision the Taj.

School and College history carry the myth that Shahjahan reign was a golden period in which there was peace and plenty and that Shahjahan commisioned many buildings and patronized literature. This is pure fabrication. Shahjahan did not commision even a single building as we have illustrated by a detailed analysis of the Tajmahal legend. Shahjahn had to enrage in 48 military campaigns during a reign of nearly 30 years which proves that his was not a era of peace and plenty.

The interior of the dome rising over Mumtaz's centotaph has a representation of Sun and cobras drawn in gold. Hindu warriors trace their origin to the Sun. For an Islamic mausoleum the Sun is redundant. Cobras are always associated with Lord Shiva.

It is hoped that people the world over who study Indian history will awaken to this new finding and revise their erstwhile beliefs.

INTO THE FUTURE...2040-2050

Thought transfer is dominating personal communications worldwide

The first generation of brain-computer interfaces reached the consumer market in around 2010. This technology was crude and limited to begin with: more of a novelty than a serious application. Devices could perform only the simplest of operations, such as directional commands.
Some university experiments were successful in creating text messages, using thought power alone, but were slow and required bulky equipment to do so.
Advances by 2020 enabled the sending of messages via wireless headsets and visors, but the process remained sluggish and unreliable, often demanding a high degree of concentration.*
By 2030, however, exponential progress had been made in mapping and understanding the brain and its neuroelectrical signals. This was filtering down rapidly to the consumer market. Detailed, real-time messages were becoming possible, using non-invasive methods. The graphical interfaces used in composing messages had also been much improved, with more intuitive navigation and features.
By 2040, the technology is largely perfected for everyday use. It works well and is cheap enough to have spread to even developing countries. Privacy and security issues have been resolved, with personal firewalls able to restrict any unwanted intrusion or hacking attempts. The headsets, visors and earphones necessary for users have been miniaturised and made more comfortable. Whether for business or personal use, people everywhere are now enjoying a faster, more sophisticated, more private way of communicating.
This form of "synthetic telepathy" - along with the convergence of other network-based technologies - is radically reshaping society and culture during this time.

Humans are becoming intimately merged with machines in 2045

In some fields, the pace of technology has become so fast that humans can no longer comprehend it - unless they augment their own intelligence. This is particularly true of computing, nanotechnology, medicine and neuroscience, all of which have seen exponential progress.
The typical home PC of today has an integrated AI system equivalent to over a billion human brains. This machine can think for itself, communicate with its owner and suggest new ideas in ways that surpass even the greatest minds on Earth. Due to the flood of data being exchanged on the Internet and elsewhere, these computers receive literally millions of emails, status updates, news reports and other alerts each day.

The only way for a user to interpret this avalanche of information is to merge their consciousness with the machine. A growing segment of society is now turning to on-person hardware to achieve this. The most advanced method involves the use of microscopic, wireless, implantable devices linking neural activity directly to electronic circuitry.The latest versions are capable of marrying AI with human intelligence in ways that combine the best aspects of both.
No monitor or projector of any kind is required for the latest generation of computers. The nanobots instead produce a virtual image of the screen which is augmented in the user's field of vision.

This operating system is controlled by their thoughts - and those of the AI - running at speeds vastly greater than a real time physical version would allow. Thousands of individual actions can be initiated within a microsecond, thanks to the robust wireless connections between the nanobots and neurons.
If necessary, the user's entire sensory experience can be instantly shifted to a full immersion virtual reality. This is a popular choice for gaming and entertainment, but also has many practical applications in the world of business. Meetings and conferences can be hastily scheduled between vast numbers of participants from around the globe - sometimes with barely a few second's notice - and lasting only a few seconds in duration. Communicating at this speed is no longer possible using conventional means, which is creating an enormous divide between those who have the technology and those who don't.
For many people, nanobot implants are becoming permanent and essential - rather than temporary and optional - due to the bewildering speed and level of information now being encountered in day-to-day situations together with the explosive growth of AI. Military personnel, scientists and medical staff were among the first to take advantage of them, but mainstream society is now following.
People are merging with machines in various other ways, too. Nanobots can boost immune systems, for example - helping to exterminate pathogens. They can also regulate blood pressure, or repair some of the damage caused by the ageing process, or accelerate the healing of wounds. Cybernetic organs are now available that almost never fail and can filter deadly poisons. Brain-computer interfaces are increasingly used in middle class homes to open doors, control lighting and operate everyday appliances.

The most extreme cases of enhancement involve people opting for "decentralised" circulatory systems - along with a form of synthetic blood - reducing physical vulnerability still further. This particular option is only available to the rich, as it involves a highly complicated procedure that radically alters their internal anatomy. The end result is that a person can survive multiple gunshot wounds or other damage relatively easily. Certain politicians are taking advantage of this - especially those in unstable regions - along with gangland bosses and career criminals.
The line between man and machine is starting to blur. Later this century, there will no longer be a clear distinction.

Robots are a common feature of homes and workplaces in 2049

Robots are now appearing in mainstream society in a wide variety of forms and functions.Mobile androids are especially popular amongst the elderly, widowed and those who are disabled or incapacitated - in which role they serve as companions, guides and carers. They are also popular amongst the lonely and socially anxious, who can develop relationships without the fear or hang-ups normally associated with human company. Those seeking "alternative" lifestyles are also making use of androids.

Sports enthusiasts are making use of robots - as running partners, for example, on squash and tennis courts, and in certain fighting/fencing games where they can simulate world-class players. Countries such as Japan and Korea have even started broadcasting their own "Robot Olympics", attracting millions of viewers.*
The cheapest android models are available for less than $1,000 now, and are stocked by many high street retailers - including hardware stores, department stores and electronics shops.
The robots are customised in the factory beforehand - decorated with skin, clothes, hair and other desired features (pictured above is a bare generic model before this process has occurred). All of the personal information required to cater for their "owner" is pre-programmed into the android's brain.
Government legislation regarding these machines is complicated - and requires years to be fully implemented - but in every country, without exception, the machines adhere to three basic laws. These were postulated almost a century earlier by the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

In urban locations, robots are usually powered by wireless energy transfer. In more remote outdoor environments they can utilise internal super-batteries and photovoltaic polymers coated on their bodies. Piezoelectric meshes in their skins - which generate small amounts of electricity through movement - provide a tertiary source of power.
Practically every warehouse and factory in the developed world now has operations run entirely by robots - which can navigate their way through aisles and shelves, identify products and load them onto delivery vans with little or no human intervention (and at speeds and efficiencies which far outpace the latter). Even most delivery trucks are now automated, thanks to advanced AI and road traffic systems, with robots unloading goods when the vehicle has reached its destination.
One particular fad at the moment is for robot cats, dogs and other domestic pets with highly realistic movements and behaviour, often indistinguishable from the real thing. These have a number of advantages - such as never getting sick or dying, never requiring food or water, never scratching or biting their owners, and never leaving a mess around the home. Certain species of tropical fish are also popular in robot form, especially those which have recently become extinct. In museums and outdoor exhibitions, breathtaking recreations of dinosaurs and other prehistoric life are now on display.

Almost every large office and corporation features robots now - from wheeled models which distribute post, to those in reception-based roles which meet and greet visitors and assist with queries, to more advanced models capable of handling security and maintaining facilities.
In hospitals, delicate procedures involving nanotechnology devices are given over exclusively to robot machinery, capable of far greater precision than human hands.
Agriculture and food production is heavily reliant on robots. With much of the world's arable land turning to desert, hydroponic "vertical farms" are a common feature of urban centres. These carefully controlled environments are tended by robots and automated systems, and often require the analytical skills of machines rather than humans.
The physical side of military operations is handled extensively by robots now - on land, in the air, and at sea. Formidable humanoid machines equipped with a plethora of devastating firepower can be sent deep into enemy territory, left to operate autonomously for months at a time if necessary, and serving in a wide variety of roles; from solitary patrol and scouting missions, to offensive strikes involving thousands of machines working in unison. Human enemies stand little to no chance against this kind of onslaught, which is giving developed nations an overwhelming advantage over terrorist renegades.
In space, robots have probed and explored hundreds of moons in the outer solar system, and are playing a key role in the Mars colony.

INTO THE FUTURE...2030-2040

USA is declining as a world power

A ballooning budget deficit, record levels of personal debt, and a declining manufacturing base, combined with excessive military spending and related activities (such as increased homeland security and surveillance) greatly damaged the US economy over the previous few decades. This caused long term damage to the country's standing.

The continued industrialisation of China and India has led to phenomenal growth in these and other Asian countries, with many millions being lifted out of poverty. Shanghai has eclipsed Wall Street as the leading financial centre.

Despite these changes, the US still retains its super power status - but every leading economist now acknowledges that it won't be the only country holding such influence for much longer. China, India and the EU are becoming major players on the world stage. What this means for geopolitical stability is the subject of much debate around this time, but many agree that a group of superpowers rather than a single hyperpower will mean increased conflict.

India becomes the most populous country in the world

Around this time, India overtakes China to become the most populous country in the world. By the middle of this decade it will be home to over 1.5 billion people. The gap between these two countries will continue to widen, with China's population actually declining from this point onwards.

As part of a climate change deal, foreign investment within India has enabled the country to build more than a hundred gigawatts of solar power facilities: enough to supply 200 million people with clean energy.* Together with its growth as a major IT centre, this has further improved its social and economic standing. At the same time, however, the effects of climate change are beginning to take hold. Droughts are posing serious challenges to food and water production.

Terabit internet speeds are commonplace

In addition to the benefits resulting from Web 4.0 (described earlier), connection speeds have also vastly improved. Bandwidth has been growing by roughly 50% each year. Many households in the developed world now have a terabit connection.

A significant number of these connections are now appearing on people themselves, in the form of wearable or implantable devices.

Exabyte storage devices are available in 2034

Data storage devices are now available with capacities of more than one exabyte (a million terabytes). This might seem excessive to observers from earlier decades. It has become necessary in today's world, however, due to the exponential growth of information technology. The day-to-day experiences of the average person now involve a stupendous amount of data collection - especially for those using neural interfaces or biotechnology implants.

Holographic recreations of dead people

Throughout this time many dead celebrities, presidents and historical figures from the past are "resurrected" online, via the immense AI and supercomputing powers now available. This phenomenon is aided by the recent human brain simulations that have been made possible. Data mining of every single word ever spoken, written, or otherwise recorded by the person is undertaken, then analysed to recreate their character traits and emotions. This allows the construction of a highly accurate "shell" personality, surrounding a generic "core" program, run as an entirely independent AI simulation.

The project sparks much controversy when first announced (especially among the religious community) but soon gains momentum, as a whole host of actors, musicians, artists, scientists, politicians and other individuals from the past are made available.* Advanced holographic techniques - combined with real-time audio-visual interaction - make them appear as lifelike as any other person alive in the world today.

This form of computerised resurrection is soon extended and made possible for ordinary citizens wishing to preserve a loved one in digital form; though once again, it is more popular among the non-religious (and the process is generally less accurate, since the average person tends to leave behind less data, written words, video recordings and other information for use in constructing the programs). The technology involved is also expensive. It is used only by the rich for now - or in certain public locations such as museums, galleries and other venues.

Artificially-grown meat is available to consumers

A solution to the ongoing food crisis becomes available near the end of this decade. Advances in tissue engineering have made it possible to actually "grow" meat, using just single animal cells. Having been in development for over 30 years, it has now reached the stage where it can be safely mass-produced and made available for public consumption.

The meat itself has a number of benefits. It is unusually pure, clean and healthy - whilst retaining the original flavour, texture and appearance of traditional meat. It can also be produced without harm or cruelty to animals, being just a lump of cultivated cells. Perhaps most importantly, it has far less impact on the environment.

It is also much cheaper than ordinary meat, which is especially beneficial to developing countries, many of which have seen their agricultural systems ravaged by climate change.

Bionic eyes that surpass human vision in 2036

Although yet to become mainstream, a bionic eye is now available that not only restores sight, but actually exceeds normal human vision. This breakthrough has been made possible due to exponential advances in sensor technology and computer power.

The first generation of these implants began appearing in the late 2010s.* They were somewhat crude initially - providing only a very pixelated view of the world and requiring the use of glasses frames for mounting the cameras.

This latest generation, however, is such high resolution that it now exceeds the sensitivity of natural human eyes. Gigapixels of resolution can be captured and transmitted to the optic nerve into the visual centres of the brain. Externally mounted cameras are no longer necessary - these have been miniaturised by a factor of thousands and incorporated within the eye itself.

Bionic eyes will soon begin to offer more than just ordinary sight. They will be capable of providing infrared vision, for instance, for improved health and safety in night-time situations. They will include video recording capabilities, serving as the ultimate in portable webcams. The convergence of Web 4.0 and augmented reality will enable users to receive detailed information on their surroundings, just by looking around them.

The cost of these implants is also dropping substantially, thanks to exponential improvements in price performance. Having been tens of thousands of dollars in earlier decades, they will soon be available for less than $100.

Full immersion virtual reality in 2039

Towards the end of this decade, personal computers are becoming sophisticated enough to bring full immersion virtual reality to the mainstream.

In other words, users now have the option of actually "being" in a video game and experiencing its graphics, audio and other effects (e.g. tactile feedback) in a manner that is practically indistinguishable from the real world.

This stunning breakthrough has been achieved through exponential trends in computing over the previous decades - including a billionfold improvement in processing power and price performance, combined with a 100,000-fold shrinkage of components and circuitry.

For the first time, human brains are actually being merged with computer intelligence. Rather than viewing games on a screen, users now experience the game from within their own nervous systems, as though it were an extension of their mind. Players undergo a simple, minimally invasive procedure to insert nanobots (blood cell-sized devices) into their bodies. These microscopic machines are self-guided towards the neurons in their brain responsible for visual, auditory and other senses. Here, they remain in a dormant state, but in close proximity to the brain cells.

When the user wishes to experience a simulated reality, the nanobots immediately move into place, suppressing all of the inputs coming from the real senses, and replacing them with signals corresponding to the virtual environment. If the user decides to move their limbs and muscles as they normally would, the nanobots again intercept these neurochemical signals - suppressing the "real world" limbs from moving, and instead causing their "virtual" limbs to move within the game. This means a user can be sitting in a fixed position, while experiencing a high degree of activity and movement.

Although most people are initially wary of these devices, they have been around in some form since at least 2025 (eg. for medical purposes) and years of testing, security and safety measures have gone into this latest generation. Detailed regulations are now in place which cover any possible eventuality. For example, a power cut means the nanobots simply detach from the neurons - automatically returning a user to the real world - while checks are constantly performed to ensure there is no danger of being "trapped" in a virtual environment.

Furthermore, the machines are not permanent and can be removed from the body altogether if desired. In any case, it is practically impossible for them to damage nerve cells or cause any lasting damage, due to their small size and limited functionality. Over the next few years, many people come to accept them as a natural part of their bodies – just as bacteria and other small objects are part of their stomach, digestion and other internal processes.

One area of commerce with no such troubles is the adult entertainment industry. Full immersion VR allows users to meet and interact with people in astonishingly lifelike ways. This includes virtual recreations of glamorous celebrities and film stars…



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

INTO THE FUTURE...2020-2030

Texting by thinking

In 2020, mobile phones are becoming available with the option of texting by thought power alone.

A sensor-mounted headset is worn by the user. This contains brain-machine interface technology, which analyses brain waves and converts them into digital signals.

Some of the higher end models feature glasses or visors, with displays built into the lenses. This allows completely hands-free texting, effectively creating a form of electronic telepathy. The process is rather slow at this stage - requiring a high degree of concentration - but advances in the coming decades will revolutionise communication.

Petabyte storage devices are available

Data storage devices are continuing to grow exponentially, with capacities doubling every year. Nanotechnology is enabling truly vast quantities of information to be stored.

 A petabyte is 1000 terabytes, or one million gigabytes. Secure digital and microSD cards have disappeared by now, replaced by an even smaller form-factor.

Human brain simulations are possible in 2025

The exponential growth in computing power - combined with the use of nanobots - is making it possible to form accurate models of every part of the human brain.

Between 2005 and 2025, there is a millionfold increase in computational power, along with vastly improved scanning resolution and bandwidth. Until recently, only separate regions of the brain had been modelled - but scientists are now able to combine them into one giant, complete simulation.


Progress with longevity extension

The potential for radical life extension is beginning to enter the public consciousness. Experiments at a university have yielded the first 10 year old mice(lifespan of mice is 3-4 yrs old). Since mice and humans share similar DNA, this "robust rejuvenation" is a major stepping stone towards halting the ageing process in people.*

For those under the age of 50, there is now real and genuine hope of being able to live indefinitely. Though a permanent cure for ageing is still decades away, a number of therapies are now in development which can substantially reduce the cell damage, mitochondrial mutations and other adverse effects of ageing. Combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, these temporary measures can be used to buy time for the more dramatic advances in the years ahead - creating a "bridge" to the next era of scientific discovery.

This period marks the beginning of a major increase in public interest and awareness of the subject. At the same time, however, there is a great deal of opposition from religious institutions and conservative groups.

Rising sea levels are wreaking havoc on the Maldives

At an average of just 1.5m above sea level, the Maldives is the lowest lying country on the planet. Rising sea levels are now beginning to devastate its economy, one-third of which relies on tourism.

The mere talk of a possible submersion, in previous years, had been damaging investor confidence. By this date, however, the tangible reality of global warming is leading to the wholesale abandonment of many islands.

Printed electronics become omnipresent in 2028

The printed electronics market has seen exponential growth. By now, it has ballooned to over $300 billion globally - even overtaking the silicon integrated circuit industry.Amputees can regrow lost limbs.This technology began with a small number of  high-end products. It expanded rapidly in the 2010s and by the 2020s it had exploded into the mainstream – creating a whole new generation of ultra-thin electronics.

Many previously bulky and heavy devices can now be folded, stored or carried as easily as sheets of paper. This includes flexible TV displays that can be rolled or hung like posters, wearable mobile phones, electronic newspapers with moving pictures, disposable netbooks, "smart" packaging and labels with animated text.

Multimedia players with expandable, fold-out touchscreens are especially popular. Even low-end models are now the size and weight of credit cards and can easily fit inside a wallet. With petabytes of storage, gigapixels of screen resolution and superfast transfer speeds, they are millions of times more powerful than iPods of previous decades. They are also completely wireless - no cables or physical connections of any kind are required, and music can be enjoyed using wireless earphones.

Amputees can regrow lost limbs

Drugs are now available that can stimulate human cells to regrow entire limbs. By switching off a particular gene known as P21, adult mammalian cells can be induced to behave like regenerative embryonic stem cells.

The treatments are applied transiently during the healing process and only locally at the wound site, which also minimises any side effects.Further into the future, spinal cords and even damaged brains will be capable of being regenerated.