If you've found this article, it makes sense to assume that you're thinking about or trying to get pregnant and you'd prefer having a boy baby. Below, I'll offer you advice to make this goal a reality and will also explain how and why these methods work. Then, I'll offer you a few tips that can make this process run a bit more smoothly.
The Male Or Y Sperm Does Not Determine The Sex Of Your Baby: I've had many people email me and ask "doesn't the male sperm determine the sex of your baby?" Actually, no, if you mean the Y sperm. The sperm produced by the father-to-be, of course, does affect the baby. But, that father-to-be's sperm contains chromosomes (both X and Y) that will produce two different baby genders. X will produce a girl and Y will produce a boy. Whichever of these are able to fertilize the egg first is the gender that will be produced. So, if Y wins the race, you'll get a boy and girl, if X wins the race.
Increasing Your Chances Of Having A Male Baby: What really greatly improves your chances of having a male baby is manipulating the Y and X sperm based on what we know about the characteristics of both of these. Y or boy sperm is lightning fast and this is a good thing. But, to balance things out, it's also very weak and short lived. To be successful in getting your son, you'll need to manipulate several things to give these weak little guys a fighting chance.
The first variable we need to manipulate is timing. Boy sperm don't living for very long in your vaginal tract, so you want to conceive on the very day that you are most able to get pregnant (the day of your ovulation). This ensures that those Y's don't have to wait around long enough to begin to die off and that they are still healthy and speedy.
It's important to find a very reliable ovulation predictor because if you are even slightly off on this, it can make a big difference. I really like saliva predictors as they are cheap, reusable, and they really work quite well.
The second variable we can manipulate is your vagina or reproductive acidity and PH. Remembering that the boy sperm often struggle to live long enough to make it to the egg, it's important to address a high PH. Because this environment is very hostile to these little guys and this can certainly be fixed. You'll just need to alkalize your body until your PH is low enough to be friendly to a boy conception.
There are two ways you can do this. One way is through the foods you eat. Foods can be characterized as acidic or alkaline in varying degrees. You'll need to cut out foods with a high PH and embrace foods with a low one. There are foods list that help with this.
The second way to obtain an alkaline reading is by douching with neutralizing recipes. Often, when I tell people this they groan. I know the idea of douching is not always a great one. But, realize that this is just a short regimen that you'll only need to keep up until you are alkaline enough to know you're in striking range. There are douche recipes out there and using both douching and diet yields quick and dramatic results.
One tool that makes this all easier is PH testers. They will tell you exactly where you are and how far you need to go. And, you can continue to use them to check your progress.
The final variable that you can manipulate is how you send the sperm to the egg. This means which positions you use during intercourse and conception. Again, keep in mind that we want to give the weak boy swimmers a quick, and easy trip. The way to do this is with positions that allow for deeper penetration.
I know that this can seem like a lot of information to process. But, you can really break it down into small pieces. First, determine your ovulation date. Then, begin tweaking your PH well before that to allow for enough time to reach your optimal PH level. Finally, when both of these things have the green light, use the right sexual positions. Doing all of these things makes a huge difference and is said to raise your odds of getting a male infant to as high as over 90%.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Our understanding of the Universe is about to change...
The Large Hadron Collider
The LHC is the next step in a voyage of discovery which began a century ago. Back then, scientists had just discovered all kinds of mysterious rays, X-rays, cathode rays, alpha and beta rays. Where did they come from? Were they all made of the same thing, and if so what?
These questions have now been answered, giving us a much greater understanding of the Universe. Along the way, the answers have changed our daily lives, giving us televisions, transistors, medical imaging devices and computers.
On the threshold of the 21st century, we face new questions which the LHC is designed to address. Who can tell what new developments the answers may bring?
Where is it?
The LHC is being installed in a tunnel 27 km in circumference, buried 50-175 m below ground. Located between the Jura mountain range in France and Lake Geneva in Switzerland, the tunnel was built in the 1980s for the previous big accelerator, the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP). The tunnel slopes at a gradient of 1.4% towards Lake Geneva.
What will it do?
The LHC will produce head-on collisions between two beams of particles, either protons or lead ions. The beams will be created in CERN's existing chain of accelerators and then injected into the LHC. These beams will travel through a vacuum comparable to outer space. Superconducting magnets operating at extremely low temperatures will guide them around the ring. Each beam will consist of nearly 3000 bunches of particles and each bunch will contain as many as 100 billion particles. The particles are so tiny that the chance of any two colliding is very small. When the particle beams cross, there will be only about 20 collisions among 200 billion particles. However, the particle beams will cross about 40 million times per second, so the LHC will generate about 800 million collisions per second.
How powerful?
The LHC is a machine for concentrating energy into a very small space. Particle energies in the LHC are measured in tera electronvolts (TeV). 1 TeV is roughly the energy of a flying mosquito, but a proton is about a trillion times smaller than a mosquito. Each proton flying round the LHC will have an energy of 7 TeV, so when two protons collide the collision energy will be 14 TeV. Lead ions have many protons, so they can be accelerated to even greater energy: the lead ion beams will have a collision energy of 1150 TeV. At full power, each beam will be about as energetic as a car travelling at 2100 kph. The energy stored in the magnetic fields will be even greater, equivalent to a car at 10 700 kph. At near light-speed, a proton in a beam will make 11 245 turns per second. A beam might circulate for 10 hours, travelling more than 10 billion kilometres � far enough to get to the planet Neptune and back again.
With a budget of 9 billion US dollars (approx. €7.5bn or £6.19bn as of Jun 2010), the LHC is one of the most expensive scientific instruments ever built.Data produced by LHC as well as LHC-related simulation will produce a total data output of 15 petabytes per year i.e 4 gigabyte per second.
The LHC is the next step in a voyage of discovery which began a century ago. Back then, scientists had just discovered all kinds of mysterious rays, X-rays, cathode rays, alpha and beta rays. Where did they come from? Were they all made of the same thing, and if so what?
These questions have now been answered, giving us a much greater understanding of the Universe. Along the way, the answers have changed our daily lives, giving us televisions, transistors, medical imaging devices and computers.
On the threshold of the 21st century, we face new questions which the LHC is designed to address. Who can tell what new developments the answers may bring?
Where is it?
The LHC is being installed in a tunnel 27 km in circumference, buried 50-175 m below ground. Located between the Jura mountain range in France and Lake Geneva in Switzerland, the tunnel was built in the 1980s for the previous big accelerator, the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP). The tunnel slopes at a gradient of 1.4% towards Lake Geneva.
What will it do?
The LHC will produce head-on collisions between two beams of particles, either protons or lead ions. The beams will be created in CERN's existing chain of accelerators and then injected into the LHC. These beams will travel through a vacuum comparable to outer space. Superconducting magnets operating at extremely low temperatures will guide them around the ring. Each beam will consist of nearly 3000 bunches of particles and each bunch will contain as many as 100 billion particles. The particles are so tiny that the chance of any two colliding is very small. When the particle beams cross, there will be only about 20 collisions among 200 billion particles. However, the particle beams will cross about 40 million times per second, so the LHC will generate about 800 million collisions per second.
How powerful?
The LHC is a machine for concentrating energy into a very small space. Particle energies in the LHC are measured in tera electronvolts (TeV). 1 TeV is roughly the energy of a flying mosquito, but a proton is about a trillion times smaller than a mosquito. Each proton flying round the LHC will have an energy of 7 TeV, so when two protons collide the collision energy will be 14 TeV. Lead ions have many protons, so they can be accelerated to even greater energy: the lead ion beams will have a collision energy of 1150 TeV. At full power, each beam will be about as energetic as a car travelling at 2100 kph. The energy stored in the magnetic fields will be even greater, equivalent to a car at 10 700 kph. At near light-speed, a proton in a beam will make 11 245 turns per second. A beam might circulate for 10 hours, travelling more than 10 billion kilometres � far enough to get to the planet Neptune and back again.
With a budget of 9 billion US dollars (approx. €7.5bn or £6.19bn as of Jun 2010), the LHC is one of the most expensive scientific instruments ever built.Data produced by LHC as well as LHC-related simulation will produce a total data output of 15 petabytes per year i.e 4 gigabyte per second.
Is indefinite lifespan possible?
Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand over time, while others decline. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand.
Will a cure or a program of effective treatments for aging ever be developed?
The answer to the first question is conditional on medical advancement: if medical science continues to advance in the fields of biogerontology and bioengineering, then some people hope the answer is "yes, that it will happen eventually.
Scientist and entrepreneur Ray Kurzweil claims that biotech and nanotech advances expected over the next two decades will be sufficient for humanity to slow down aging and make a realistic stab at ending death.
Kurzweil should not be taken lightly. Called “the ultimate thinking machine” by Forbes magazine, his enthusiastic fans range from Bill Gates to Bill Clinton, and a recent Time magazine article compared him with the genius of Thomas Edison.
Kurzweil believes that unraveling the human genome has enabled researchers to begin development of powerful technologies that promise to re-grow cells, tissues, and organs; reverse aging; correct bad genes; and build nanobots the size of blood cells that will roam through our bodies keeping us forever young and healthy.
In a recent interview with CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield, Kurzweil revealed steps outlined in his book that bridge the gulf between today, when medical help focuses more on treating symptoms than cures; and tomorrow, when biotech and nanotech revolutions promise so many miracles. Kurzweil divides these steps, which he says anyone can take, into three bridges.
Bridge One begins now by adopting a powerful nutrient menu specifically designed to meet each individual’s genetic requirements; and it also includes eating less animal fats, carbohydrates, and high-glycemic-load foods; plus adding more physical and mental activities to our routine.
Bridge Two relies on biotech advances expected between 2010 and 2020, when stem cell and gene therapies will be available to replace defective tissues and organs, bringing an end to most diseases and aging.
Bridge Three takes us into the amazing 2020s, when nanotech, robot, and artificial intelligence systems will provide cell-repair mechanisms, human-machine interfaces, and vastly improved minds. By 2030, the writers claim, adults, regardless of their age, could be living in a powerful, youthful body enjoying great health and free from most unwanted deaths.
Psychologist Karim Hajee would add positive thinking to the mix. “Some refer to this as mind power”; he says; “others call it spiritual power; but most call it the power of our subconscious mind”. Believe in this positive future; know that you can improve your health and survive to become part of it – and you will.
Cambridge University researcher Aubrey de Grey believes that by 2020, science advances will add more than a year to human life expectancy every year. This, he claims, is evidence that many of us alive today could live for 200 years or more.
Kurzweil and Grossman carry this further; they point out that what humans have always dreamed of – the promise of living an indefinite lifespan – could soon become reality. Follow the principles laid forth in their bridges and you too, along with many of your loved ones and friends, might journey into our “magical future”, and all the way through the 21st century – and beyond.
Will a cure or a program of effective treatments for aging ever be developed?
The answer to the first question is conditional on medical advancement: if medical science continues to advance in the fields of biogerontology and bioengineering, then some people hope the answer is "yes, that it will happen eventually.
Scientist and entrepreneur Ray Kurzweil claims that biotech and nanotech advances expected over the next two decades will be sufficient for humanity to slow down aging and make a realistic stab at ending death.
Kurzweil should not be taken lightly. Called “the ultimate thinking machine” by Forbes magazine, his enthusiastic fans range from Bill Gates to Bill Clinton, and a recent Time magazine article compared him with the genius of Thomas Edison.
Kurzweil believes that unraveling the human genome has enabled researchers to begin development of powerful technologies that promise to re-grow cells, tissues, and organs; reverse aging; correct bad genes; and build nanobots the size of blood cells that will roam through our bodies keeping us forever young and healthy.
In a recent interview with CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield, Kurzweil revealed steps outlined in his book that bridge the gulf between today, when medical help focuses more on treating symptoms than cures; and tomorrow, when biotech and nanotech revolutions promise so many miracles. Kurzweil divides these steps, which he says anyone can take, into three bridges.
Bridge One begins now by adopting a powerful nutrient menu specifically designed to meet each individual’s genetic requirements; and it also includes eating less animal fats, carbohydrates, and high-glycemic-load foods; plus adding more physical and mental activities to our routine.
Bridge Two relies on biotech advances expected between 2010 and 2020, when stem cell and gene therapies will be available to replace defective tissues and organs, bringing an end to most diseases and aging.
Bridge Three takes us into the amazing 2020s, when nanotech, robot, and artificial intelligence systems will provide cell-repair mechanisms, human-machine interfaces, and vastly improved minds. By 2030, the writers claim, adults, regardless of their age, could be living in a powerful, youthful body enjoying great health and free from most unwanted deaths.
Psychologist Karim Hajee would add positive thinking to the mix. “Some refer to this as mind power”; he says; “others call it spiritual power; but most call it the power of our subconscious mind”. Believe in this positive future; know that you can improve your health and survive to become part of it – and you will.
Cambridge University researcher Aubrey de Grey believes that by 2020, science advances will add more than a year to human life expectancy every year. This, he claims, is evidence that many of us alive today could live for 200 years or more.
Kurzweil and Grossman carry this further; they point out that what humans have always dreamed of – the promise of living an indefinite lifespan – could soon become reality. Follow the principles laid forth in their bridges and you too, along with many of your loved ones and friends, might journey into our “magical future”, and all the way through the 21st century – and beyond.
White Sugar: strongly not recommended because it weakens the body by:
1) causing over acidity. The body neutralizes acidic-causing sugar by using mineral reserves of calcium and magnesium from the bones;
2) "robbing" the body of B vitamins that are needed for calcium absorption;
3) blocking the absorption of magnesium which is necessary for the 'fixing' of calcium in the body;
4) weakening the immune system by neutralizing white blood cells. In one study it was found a healthy white blood cell can kill 14 bacteria. But after 6 tsp. of white sugar it could only kill 5 bacteria and after 18 tsp. only 2 bacteria. With the U.S.A. , Great Britain, and Switzerland averaging 50 kilos of sugar consumed each year, this study might show a link to the high rate of infectious diseases, AIDS, and other immune system related illnesses;
5) weakening the ability of neurons to transmit effectively;
6) stressing the pancreas because of its continuous demands for insulin'
7) contributing to obesity by demanding the secretion of insulin which is considered the 'fat storage hormone'.
2) "robbing" the body of B vitamins that are needed for calcium absorption;
3) blocking the absorption of magnesium which is necessary for the 'fixing' of calcium in the body;
4) weakening the immune system by neutralizing white blood cells. In one study it was found a healthy white blood cell can kill 14 bacteria. But after 6 tsp. of white sugar it could only kill 5 bacteria and after 18 tsp. only 2 bacteria. With the U.S.A. , Great Britain, and Switzerland averaging 50 kilos of sugar consumed each year, this study might show a link to the high rate of infectious diseases, AIDS, and other immune system related illnesses;
5) weakening the ability of neurons to transmit effectively;
6) stressing the pancreas because of its continuous demands for insulin'
7) contributing to obesity by demanding the secretion of insulin which is considered the 'fat storage hormone'.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
is it possible to influence the sex of your child?
Chromosomes and Sex:
Chromosomes are long, string like aggregates of genes that carry heredity information. They are composed of DNA and proteins and are located within the nucleus of our cells. Chromosomes determine everything from hair color and eye color to sex. Whether you are a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes.
Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. There are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome.
Sex Chromosomes:
In human sexual reproduction, two distinct gametes fuse to form a zygote.
The male gamete, called the spermatozoan, is relatively motile and usually has a flagellum.
The female gamete, called the ovum, is nonmotile and relatively large in comparison to the male gamete.
Sex Chromosomes X-Y:
The male gametes or sperm cells in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They are either X or Y. The female gametes or eggs however, contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic. The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male.
Timing and Position of Intercourse can influence the sex of child
Advice on using the timing and position of intercourse, eating habits and herbal remedies to influence the sex of your child is available everywhere from your mother's kitchen to the writings of the ancient Chinese. However, none of the methods have been scientifically proven to work.
One of the commonly known method is that of Dr. Landrum Shettles who concluded that sperm carrying the female chromosome live longer than those carrying the male chromosome. Anyone hoping for a girl should aim to have intercourse two to three days before ovulation; those hoping for a boy should plan intercourse the day before or on the day of ovulation. Frequent intercourse is advised for those hoping for a girl and ill-advised for any couple hoping to conceive a boy.
Sperm carrying the female chromosome are also more acidic than sperm carrying the male chromosome. A number of products have been developed for application during intercourse in order to deactivate unwanted sperm. For example, if a couple would like to conceive a male child the lotion would be more alkaline in order to neutralize the sperm carrying the female chromosome.
Other folk remedies say that acidic and salty foods help conception of a girl and hinder the conception of a boy, while caffeinated drinks are supposed to activate the male sperm if drunk right before intercourse. Another common tip is that doggy-style sex supposedly delivers the sperm closer to the egg - effectively giving the faster swimming male sperm a head start.Female Orgasms are also supposed to help the male sperm as secretions of alkaline mucus into the vagina give them favourable conditions over the acid-loving female sperm.
After all these ,In reality there is little you can do to influence the gender of your child;
Alkaline Foods Include
tropical fruits-mango,banana ,citrus fruits
temperate fruits-apple,pear(perikai) ,almond(baadam)
leafy vegetables
round vegetables
Please note that some foods, such as citrus fruits, have an acid pH before they are consumed and but they usually leave an alkaline residue in the body after they have been metabolized.
Hard Water - Hard water is just the opposite of soft water. It is water that has a high mineral content, and as a result tends to be more alkaline. Some studies have shown that people have less heart attacks where the water is hard, presumably because the disolved minerals that make the water hard are important for nutrition.
Soft water - Soft water is water that is low in minerals. This type of water tends to be more acidic.
Chromosomes are long, string like aggregates of genes that carry heredity information. They are composed of DNA and proteins and are located within the nucleus of our cells. Chromosomes determine everything from hair color and eye color to sex. Whether you are a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes.
Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. There are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome.
Sex Chromosomes:
In human sexual reproduction, two distinct gametes fuse to form a zygote.
The male gamete, called the spermatozoan, is relatively motile and usually has a flagellum.
The female gamete, called the ovum, is nonmotile and relatively large in comparison to the male gamete.
Sex Chromosomes X-Y:
The male gametes or sperm cells in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They are either X or Y. The female gametes or eggs however, contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic. The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male.
Timing and Position of Intercourse can influence the sex of child
Advice on using the timing and position of intercourse, eating habits and herbal remedies to influence the sex of your child is available everywhere from your mother's kitchen to the writings of the ancient Chinese. However, none of the methods have been scientifically proven to work.
One of the commonly known method is that of Dr. Landrum Shettles who concluded that sperm carrying the female chromosome live longer than those carrying the male chromosome. Anyone hoping for a girl should aim to have intercourse two to three days before ovulation; those hoping for a boy should plan intercourse the day before or on the day of ovulation. Frequent intercourse is advised for those hoping for a girl and ill-advised for any couple hoping to conceive a boy.
Sperm carrying the female chromosome are also more acidic than sperm carrying the male chromosome. A number of products have been developed for application during intercourse in order to deactivate unwanted sperm. For example, if a couple would like to conceive a male child the lotion would be more alkaline in order to neutralize the sperm carrying the female chromosome.
Other folk remedies say that acidic and salty foods help conception of a girl and hinder the conception of a boy, while caffeinated drinks are supposed to activate the male sperm if drunk right before intercourse. Another common tip is that doggy-style sex supposedly delivers the sperm closer to the egg - effectively giving the faster swimming male sperm a head start.Female Orgasms are also supposed to help the male sperm as secretions of alkaline mucus into the vagina give them favourable conditions over the acid-loving female sperm.
After all these ,In reality there is little you can do to influence the gender of your child;
Acidic Foods Include
nuts and nut butters
cooking oils
Liver and other organ meats
Most fermented foods and aged cheeses
Broth made from bones or other animal parts
Alkaline Foods Include
tropical fruits-mango,banana ,citrus fruits
temperate fruits-apple,pear(perikai) ,almond(baadam)
leafy vegetables
round vegetables
Please note that some foods, such as citrus fruits, have an acid pH before they are consumed and but they usually leave an alkaline residue in the body after they have been metabolized.
Hard Water - Hard water is just the opposite of soft water. It is water that has a high mineral content, and as a result tends to be more alkaline. Some studies have shown that people have less heart attacks where the water is hard, presumably because the disolved minerals that make the water hard are important for nutrition.
Soft water - Soft water is water that is low in minerals. This type of water tends to be more acidic.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Section 497 & 375 & 377 of the Indian Penal Code says Adultery & Rape & carnal
Whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is the wife of another man, without the consent of that man, such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape,but is guilty of the offence of adultery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine, or with both. In such case the wife is not punished,because married woman have urges.
when any man indulge in sex with a married lady even with her consent ,he is committing adultery but its not, if this sex is done with the permission or consent of the husband of this married lady.
The second point that this section makes very clear that such a married lady shall not be held guilty for such an offence of adultery. .
Section 375 defines rape .lets see what it says Rape.--
A man is said to commit "rape" who,has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the six following descriptions:-
First.-Against her will.
Secondly.-Without her consent.
Thirdly.-With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested in fear of death or of hurt.
Fourthly.-With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married.
Fifthly.-With her consent, when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.
Sixthly.-With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age.
Explanation.-Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
Exception.-Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age is not rape.
Section 377 of the IPC provides Unnatural offences.--Whoever voluntarily has carnal
intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with [imprisonment for life], or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Explanation.-Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section.
What all is carnal sex against the order of nature? On this the courts in India has held, anal sex,oral sex & even using any other part of the human body other then Vagina for sex is unnatural sex,what it means that & has been held that asking another person to use his or hand or fist to fulfill the pleasure of sex is against the nature. Now this against the order of nature means indulging in sex with other then a woman by a man for sex, so sex with another man or animal is also sex against the nature.
Does it include sex between two women’s? This question has not been in question till now but as the definition of this provision provide the penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section.
What it can be construed from it that penetration of the penis used by a man in any part of the body other then vagina; hence this privilege is not available to the women to do so hence their indulgence of sex amongst themselves may not be covered under this section unless they use some other object for penetration(dildo's) other then human penis.
Girls just wanna have fun! “Sex is no big deal"
Guys may be left gasping, but girls just don’t want to stop. Casual sex is no big deal anymore for young women who want their share of fun before they settle down.
I read in a news paper about Nilaadri Shankar (name changed), a 23-year-old telemarketing executive currently working in Chennai, admits that she likes the excitement of one-night stands. She says, “When you’re thinking of a relationship, there are so many things you look out for in a guy. But when it’s purely for fun, it’s only about the physical attraction. I know that many older Indians think that girls who treat sex casually are slutty. But among my friends, it’s uncool to be inexperienced.” it seems casual sex is suddenly no big taboo for many young women in urban India.
Men have always been the ones who are supposedly genetically and psychologically geared for a no-strings-attached sex life. But things are changing and today’s Indian woman is slowly moving away from the ‘touch me not’ syndrome. “Now, sex is not taboo anymore. Everyone’s indulging in it. In this scenario, young girls, too, are talking about sex and initiating casual encounters .
“This is happening because many of us, including the guys, realise that virginity is an over-rated and outdated concept. I think I’ll be ready for a mature relationship later on in life. Maybe I’ll even settle down with someone my parents choose for me in the next two-three years. But right now, I don’t have the time or the inclination for a committed relationship. And I’m happy meeting so many interesting men.These are the attitudes of early 20 girls.
With the marriageable age becoming 28, most girls feel that the early 20s are a time to have fun without commitment ,so these girls have emotionless and casual sexual encounters with boys.
Twenty-nine-year-old Mumbai-based investment analyst, Girish Bairagi (name changed), although single and happy to mingle with this new breed of bold and beddable women, admits that he is a little bewildered. “I’m not complaining, but yes, it was a little difficult for me to accept at first. There’s just no emotion involved! These 23- and 24-year-olds are very cool about going away with someone for the weekend without any fears. And suppose I tell them I’m busy, they don’t sit at home and feel upset about it. They just go with someone else or wait till I am free. It’s become as casual as having a cup of coffee together!”
Delhi psychiatrist Dr Avdesh Sharma explains why this attitude prevails, “There was a time when boys in their 20s witnessed a sexual revolution. Now, it’s the turn of the girls, who are willing to experiment with their sexuality. There’s no emotional bond between partners. In fact, girls don’t want to get emotional about the boys. Here’s a new generation that just wants to satisfy its desires. We’re living in a world where popular culture is dictating our relationships and sex life. Sex is seen as fun without responsibility. There’s a lack of emotions when we have casual sex. Young girls are enjoying this emotionless hook-up.”
According to analysts, this attitudinal shift stems from increasing levels of self-confidence that could be a direct result of financial independence. “BPOs, marketing and PR companies hire young employees and pay them a packet. These youngsters are then tempted to lead a lifestyle that’s far beyond their years. Influenced by books and programmes like Sex & The City and Coupling, they believe that appearing sexy raises their ‘cool quotient’. Actually having sex with a significant other or even experimenting with casual affairs is just a progression from there,” says HR consultant Binaifer Adenvala. While not all casual sex can be attributed to the BPO boom, The Times (London) did report in mid-March that one in four Indian call centre workers regularly had casual affairs.
Hooking Up: The New Buzzword
With the tendency for flings on the rise, books like The Hookup Handbook: A Single Girl’s Guide to Living It Up or The Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl’s Guide to Casual Sex are being lapped up enthusiastically by youngsters. According to Andrea Lavinthal and Jessica Rozler, co-authors of the Hookup Handbook, “hooking up” is the vague phrase used to describe what happens (everything from making out to full-on sex) between two people who don’t have a foreseeable future or even a hint of commitment.
I read in a news paper about Nilaadri Shankar (name changed), a 23-year-old telemarketing executive currently working in Chennai, admits that she likes the excitement of one-night stands. She says, “When you’re thinking of a relationship, there are so many things you look out for in a guy. But when it’s purely for fun, it’s only about the physical attraction. I know that many older Indians think that girls who treat sex casually are slutty. But among my friends, it’s uncool to be inexperienced.” it seems casual sex is suddenly no big taboo for many young women in urban India.
Men have always been the ones who are supposedly genetically and psychologically geared for a no-strings-attached sex life. But things are changing and today’s Indian woman is slowly moving away from the ‘touch me not’ syndrome. “Now, sex is not taboo anymore. Everyone’s indulging in it. In this scenario, young girls, too, are talking about sex and initiating casual encounters .
“This is happening because many of us, including the guys, realise that virginity is an over-rated and outdated concept. I think I’ll be ready for a mature relationship later on in life. Maybe I’ll even settle down with someone my parents choose for me in the next two-three years. But right now, I don’t have the time or the inclination for a committed relationship. And I’m happy meeting so many interesting men.These are the attitudes of early 20 girls.
With the marriageable age becoming 28, most girls feel that the early 20s are a time to have fun without commitment ,so these girls have emotionless and casual sexual encounters with boys.
Twenty-nine-year-old Mumbai-based investment analyst, Girish Bairagi (name changed), although single and happy to mingle with this new breed of bold and beddable women, admits that he is a little bewildered. “I’m not complaining, but yes, it was a little difficult for me to accept at first. There’s just no emotion involved! These 23- and 24-year-olds are very cool about going away with someone for the weekend without any fears. And suppose I tell them I’m busy, they don’t sit at home and feel upset about it. They just go with someone else or wait till I am free. It’s become as casual as having a cup of coffee together!”
Delhi psychiatrist Dr Avdesh Sharma explains why this attitude prevails, “There was a time when boys in their 20s witnessed a sexual revolution. Now, it’s the turn of the girls, who are willing to experiment with their sexuality. There’s no emotional bond between partners. In fact, girls don’t want to get emotional about the boys. Here’s a new generation that just wants to satisfy its desires. We’re living in a world where popular culture is dictating our relationships and sex life. Sex is seen as fun without responsibility. There’s a lack of emotions when we have casual sex. Young girls are enjoying this emotionless hook-up.”
According to analysts, this attitudinal shift stems from increasing levels of self-confidence that could be a direct result of financial independence. “BPOs, marketing and PR companies hire young employees and pay them a packet. These youngsters are then tempted to lead a lifestyle that’s far beyond their years. Influenced by books and programmes like Sex & The City and Coupling, they believe that appearing sexy raises their ‘cool quotient’. Actually having sex with a significant other or even experimenting with casual affairs is just a progression from there,” says HR consultant Binaifer Adenvala. While not all casual sex can be attributed to the BPO boom, The Times (London) did report in mid-March that one in four Indian call centre workers regularly had casual affairs.
Hooking Up: The New Buzzword
With the tendency for flings on the rise, books like The Hookup Handbook: A Single Girl’s Guide to Living It Up or The Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl’s Guide to Casual Sex are being lapped up enthusiastically by youngsters. According to Andrea Lavinthal and Jessica Rozler, co-authors of the Hookup Handbook, “hooking up” is the vague phrase used to describe what happens (everything from making out to full-on sex) between two people who don’t have a foreseeable future or even a hint of commitment.
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